
Showing posts from June, 2020

Getting deeper understanding of React-Redux by building it myself

From the past few days, I have been playing with react and I am loving the framework. React makes it painless for me to create interactive UIs. Designing simple views for each state in my application and the impressive thing is that React efficiently update and render just the right component when my data changes. The first few days I was in a trap because there were many ways to pass data into an application like using props to pass data from parent to child components and rendering the components, another way using react-redux in which we pass data with the store. The store will provide the data to the application, and the way which helps me in a deeper understanding of React-Redux using useReducer and useContext Hooks. We often use the react-redux library in our React apps when we decide to include some sort of state management tool. The react library makes it very easy to use Redux in React. The library (react-redux) makes the use of the Context API to pass the store down to the