
Showing posts from May, 2022

Outliers: The story of Success - Book Review

 For the last two months, I have been reading the book " Outliers " by  Malcolm Gladwell . " Outliers - The story of success " has two parts:  Opportunity  and  Legacy. "In outliers author survey the ingredients for the success. He wrote about the reason behind the success of great people like Bill Gates, Bill Joy, Joseph Flom, and the musical group Beatles. And how Chris Langan and Oppenheimer ended up with different stories. And how the culture, family, and friends play a role in determining individual success."     Key Factor of Success:  1. Opportunity We all have equal opportunities. Some people recognize and take advantage of them. But as per the author, In reality, these people are benefited from hidden and extraordinary opportunities. Culture benefits, the where and in which family and the time we grew up. Values received from our ancestors.    2. Environment affect The values of the world we live in and the people around us, have a profound effect