
Outliers: The story of Success - Book Review

 For the last two months, I have been reading the book " Outliers " by  Malcolm Gladwell . " Outliers - The story of success " has two parts:  Opportunity  and  Legacy. "In outliers author survey the ingredients for the success. He wrote about the reason behind the success of great people like Bill Gates, Bill Joy, Joseph Flom, and the musical group Beatles. And how Chris Langan and Oppenheimer ended up with different stories. And how the culture, family, and friends play a role in determining individual success."     Key Factor of Success:  1. Opportunity We all have equal opportunities. Some people recognize and take advantage of them. But as per the author, In reality, these people are benefited from hidden and extraordinary opportunities. Culture benefits, the where and in which family and the time we grew up. Values received from our ancestors.    2. Environment affect The values of the world we live in and the people around us, have a profound effect

Design Process to make it better

I have been working on the ColoredCow employee portal for over the past three months or so.  For the last two weeks, I have been working on designing the processes and automation to make onboarding smooth for new developers on the portal. I have learned a whole lot along the way. Let me tell you a little bit about my time with the designing processes. How it all started It started with a quick call lead by Vaibhav Rathore sir, joined by Satendra sir and me to discuss what we are going to do in the upcoming next few weeks from the part of designing the process to journey ending with automation. It was refreshing to hear that there were other opportunities outside of writing codes, and I was incredibly excited to get started. Work we have done Next, Satendra sir, and I discuss the issues and challenges we face during the installation of ColoredCow-Portal to the deployment of tasks on the testing site. So we frame our thoughts into jam board and from jam board to GitHub kanban(Process). 

Getting deeper understanding of React-Redux by building it myself

From the past few days, I have been playing with react and I am loving the framework. React makes it painless for me to create interactive UIs. Designing simple views for each state in my application and the impressive thing is that React efficiently update and render just the right component when my data changes. The first few days I was in a trap because there were many ways to pass data into an application like using props to pass data from parent to child components and rendering the components, another way using react-redux in which we pass data with the store. The store will provide the data to the application, and the way which helps me in a deeper understanding of React-Redux using useReducer and useContext Hooks. We often use the react-redux library in our React apps when we decide to include some sort of state management tool. The react library makes it very easy to use Redux in React. The library (react-redux) makes the use of the Context API to pass the store down to the

The start of My tour as a Reader ...

It all started during our internship in ColoredCow and Prateek Sir suggested us to read the bundle of books, and I had already shared the blog on the books to be read during engineering. As I was confused with the first one to go with. As I was in the habit of procrastination and luckily during the categorization of books I read the summary of the book "Eat that Frog" Book by Brian Tracy. It's Nothing revolutionary, but a good (and quick) recap of the things we need to do to get stuff done. The key premise is that if we ate a live frog first thing in the morning, everything else would be easy compared to that. It's a good reminder to concentrate on the most priority task instead of getting mired down in the smaller, unimportant ones. The Author gives 21 steps to getting things done. So, I wanted to share with you some stories after following these 21 steps. After reading the first step I was a bit more clear about my life goals or more I can say that my present ne

Working together is a success ...

So, this was started last week when Nikhil, Divyanshu and I got an opportunity to develop an initiative to track the spread of Covid19 in Uttarakhand. I was really excited to start working on a project which is launched for Uttarakhand Government and it was under the guidance of Dr. Kunwar Singh Vaisla and the most exciting was that we were first time going to collaborate.  As well said Coming together is beginning. So, well the things started with a call where we have a long discussion on the requirements proposed to us by our professor and us figure out something from that call and started working on the problem statement of the project, we collected ideas from the other platform and app launched for Covid19 and I started working on the project proposal. And things went well then we divided the work Divyanshu started working on the front-end, the workflow of project  Nikhil started working on the framework, Directory structure and I started working on the Database Schema. And the